Kate Carridean - Author

Kate Carridean - Author

About Kate Carridean


Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

In the Works

Sisters of Avalon: Phantom Moons

Personal Life

Kate Carridean lives in Fort Myers, FL with a chirpy blonde dog and three posh cats.

Novels by Kate Carridean

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

Sixteen-year-old Airamett Reynolds is uprooted from the sun-kissed beaches of Fort Myers, FL to live with her estranged aunt in Savannah, GA after losing her parents in a car crash, where she witnesses the brutal murder of a classmate at the hands of a decaying beast with razor sharp talons. After learning that she is the descendant of a noble line of witches, Airamett searches for absolution by hunting down the fiendish creature before it can feast upon another innocent.

Sisters of Avalon: Phantom Moons

Coming Soon

Where to Buy


Kate Carridean's novels are available to purchase at Amazon.com

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening


Kate Carridean's novels are available to purchase at Amazon.com

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

Barnes and Nobles

Purchase your copy of Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening at Barnes and Nobles in select stores and online.

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

Barnes and Nobles

Purchase your copy of Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening at Barnes and Nobles in select stores and online.

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening


Purchase Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening by Kate Carridean

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening


Purchase Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening by Kate Carridean

Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

Contact Kate Carridean

Drop Kate a line!

Kate Carridean author of Sisters of Avalon: The Awakening

Up Coming Appearances

View details of Kate Carridean's public appearances on her twitter feed.